Hungarian mobile post catalogue


This online catalog is based on the research work of Gábor Kaszás, which was supplemented with data and images by many other stamp collectors. It processes the previously known stamps of the mobile service points established in Hungary since 2000 with stamp images, typically the subnumber 4 stamps, but also their spare eastern stamps. The table of stamps is supplemented by a nearly 160-page study, which was published in the form of a book.

In addition to this online catalog, the stamp tables by type can be downloaded in PDF format with images under the "Downloads" menu item, there you can also find the table of county codes and the schedule, as well as a filterable summary table of all stamps without images in Excel format .

Each mobile service provider receives an identification number from a range of six numbers, based on the nature of the service, you can search for all known stamps in this online catalog under the "Search" menu item

Subnumber interval Type and name of service location Area of operation
(compared to base post office)
Mail home delivery? Package home delivery?
6101-6199 Local mobile operators Within the administrative area
Yes Yes,
if the base post has parcel logistics
6451-6499 Mobile post collectors Outside administrative area Yes No
6501-6599 Outskirts mobile post operators Within administrative area
Outside area
Yes Yes,
if the base post has parcel logistics
6601-6650 Base handlers Within administrative area
Outside area, reference point
only to a mailbox at base
6651-6680 Mobile Post Outside administrative area Yes Yes
6681-6699 Branch offices operating next to mobile post offices Outside administrative area No No